Well today was a really great day and I probably over did it because I finally felt like I could do something. Ashley and I grabbed some yummy lunch at Chick Fil A and then we went to the Joann's Super Store and bought some super soft filling for the Pillows we are going to be making.
I came home and it was SO hot outside. I cleaned my office and the kitchen and then made hamburger pie. I used moms idea of doing it in the electric skillet and it was so nice. It didn't heat up the house and even better I used less dishes. I cleaned up dinner and then cleaned Kenlies room real good. I was in a cleaning frenzy and moved her slide and all her furniture so I could get it vacuumed really good. I was tired and a little worn out after all that but at least I was able to get some stuff done today.
Now the challenge is to keep it up.
Hopefully I continue to have good days so I can keep the house up through this pregnancy.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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