Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat

Grandpa had a little photo shoot at the house before we went out trick or treating. Stay tuned for those pics to come...

Sorry some of these pics are blurry.

Garage Sale Bargain

So I was in search for a dresser for Branson. I was getting frustrated after so many garage sales with "okay dressers" but way too pricey for a dresser that needed help. They were all $75+. Way too much for me if I am buying used. So we kept driving and we finally found a garage sale that had garage sale prices. I would have been happy to spend $35-$40. So we found a 5 drawer real wood dresser for $10. I was so excited!

We came home and Kenlie was excited to help Daddy clean it up a little.

Friday, October 24, 2008

3 year check up

Kenlie had her 3 year check up this week and she did awesome. She is doing great!
Her pediatrician had her get some blood work just to make sure she is not anemic or anything. I thought they were gonna prick her finger but they actually wanted to draw blood.
So I am sitting in the chair kind of nervous about whats going to happen and Kenlie is sitting on my lap. She actually did quite well, I was shocked. The lady had some pictures of beaches on the wall and while she was drawing the blood she was telling the lady how she went to the beach with Grandpa and Grandma. It was so sweet. She got two stickers afterward and the lady kept commenting on how calm she was.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy

Grandma and Grandpa Richins gave Dustin this nifty head light for his Birthday and Kenlie was so excited to try it on for daddy.

Birthday Fun

Glitter Photos

Wow can you believe Kenlie is 3. She is just so big and growing up way too fast!

Kenlie's Birthday Party was on the 18th and she had so much fun. For all those that were able to make it THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, !!!!

I cant believe I didnt take any pics. But she had so much fun playing with her cousins and didnt want any of them to leave.

Thanks to Kristen I had the cutest cookies ever at her party. They were really yummy too!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Posing for Pics


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Thursday, October 9, 2008

Can I just Scream????

Oh my goodness... today has not been the best day. I woke up sick (couldn't take a pill in time). So after getting sick I got Kenlie and I breakfast. She has been on something today so about noon I finally decided it was time for a nap. I was the one who kept falling asleep though and she was wide awake. So I move my hand and feel something I shouldn't have. So then I realize what she has been doing.....

I had a small tear in my body pillow I made and she was just pulling batting out. Oh my gosh I just cant catch a break today. I just felt like screaming.... but no I didn't she went straight to her room instead. I think she knows she is in trouble. Ugh I need a spa day!

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Sunday, October 5, 2008

Books = Houses

I remember growing up we used to spend hours and hour playing with our barbies. We'd take all of our books and make houses for our barbies to live in. It was so much fun. Well the other day I caught Kenlie building houses with her books. I was so excited because that's what I did when I was little. So today while Dustin and I were watching Conference she pulled her books out and started to build houses. I think its so much fun to watch her play and use her imagination.


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Keeping Ivy Busy

Ashley was trying to help me with CVS and Walgreen's deals and Ivy played with some of Kenlie's old baby toys. She is such a sweetie.


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Saturday, October 4, 2008

I've been tagged...

Ok, this is a Picture Tag, and here it is...
All you have to do is go into your pictures and open the 6th folder, and then select the 6th picture in that file.
This one is when Kenlie was almost 2 months old in my sling. We were up in Flagstaff to see go on the polar express train ride.
Have fun!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Long lost puppy...

Dustin helped me get the baby clothes out of the garage so I could started organizing the clothes. When we put the clothes away before we just threw the clothes in trash bags. I am so excited I was able to get some bins so I can actually store their clothes organized and neatly. While I was going through bags and bags of clothes I came upon this bag that I thought was more clothes. I ripped it open and I found my long lost puppy. Kenlie was so excited when I pulled him out of the bag her eyes got real big and she said, doggy for me mommy!!! She has not let him out of her sight since.



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